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Overwatch skill rating tips

3 min read

Looking for advices on how to improve your skill rating in Overwatch? Mercy is best when paired with a mobile team composition, especially with a Pharah or a sniper to damage boost. Ana is still an extremely valuable choice due to her anti-healing grenades, which negate the wide-spread healing of a Baptiste or Moira. She has to navigate around shields, though, so choose Ana only if you have faith in your team to take down barriers and enable your skills.

Just remember; if you’re playing as a group, you’ll be matched with groups. So although you have the ability to pull off some major plays with your group, the enemy team will likely be in cahoots, too. Overall, this makes for a more fun, team-based Overwatch. Even when you lose, it’s a little less sour when you go down as a team. And if you win? Well, then you’ll gain SR and be one step closer to that coveted Grandmaster emblem.

Do not Tilt. There are a lot of passionate gamers thinking – “Ok, I lost 5 games in a row, but I won’t stop until I win 10 now!”. And what you think? In most cases they will just lose even more. What is the reason behind all these loses? Well, maybe Instead of focusing on the game and thinking about it 100% of the time while playing, you start to think about wins or how bad your teammates are, missing a lot of opportunites to carry the game in the meantime. So when you start tilting – just take break.

Skill rating improvement tip: Oftentimes, lower ranked teams don’t have a leader. Be the person who makes the callouts if your team doesn’t have one—even if it’s just a little bit. Even a small amount of communication is better than none. Help your team out by suggesting when to push or when to pull back. But don’t be unwilling to listen to your teammates. You’re not the only person with ideas; make sure you’re not being the toxic or pushy player that everyone mutes. Alternatively you can attempt to use a professional skill rating improvement service. Discover additional details at Overwatch Boosting.

When you do your 10 placement matches at the beginning of the season, you’ll be given a rank. This number, referred to as your Skill Rating (SR), will place you in a colored tier. You might get lucky and get a decent placement in Silver, but you also might end up in the dreaded Bronze tier, which is anything below 1,500 SR. There’s nothing wrong with getting a low placement. It just means you have to get better! However, you’ll need to focus on a few key areas. First of all, it pays to pick a role and stick with it. I would go into Quick Play and try out a number of characters to see what suits you best. Are you the kind of player who throws your character into the middle of the action, or do you prefer a supportive role? It’s important to focus on a particular set of characters as you practice, so you can become a master of one thing instead of a jack of all trades.