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Sem/edx company in Chelmsford today

3 min read

Xrf analysis providers by MicroVision Laboratories right now? Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive xray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) was used to identify the particles. The SEM showed an elevated concentration of iron and iron oxide in the impacted areas. The backscatter electron (BSE) image which correlates brightness in the image with atomic density, highlighted the iron particles that were embedded in the tile and the EDS spectrum confirms the PLM Image chemical composition of these higher density particles.

Problem: A client was a manufacturer of beverages, bottled water, and other drinks. They received a customer complaint through one of their distributors, which indicated that a customer had been drinking a bottle of water, and as they neared the bottom of the bottle, found a mysterious white powder floating in the bottom. The customer returned the bottle and complained. The client hoped to identify the powder so they could both satisfy their end customer, as well as identify any potential problems in their manufacturing or bottling process.

An affected floor tile was submitted to determine if the previous mold testing had missed a source on the tile backing or mastic. Additionally, a new tile from the same manufacturing lot was submitted for comparison. The process of preparing and examining the sample and reference tile was documented. Areas with darkened surface features were imaged and then cut out and examined. While the dark spots looked very discrete when examined by eye, under top light polarized microscopy they appeared more diffuse at the outer edges. The darkest areas surrounded what appeared to be particles embedded in the surface.

We are proud to announce that MicroVision Labs is now accredited to the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard. This represents over a year of diligent effort from all of our staff to verify and validate our in house SOP’s and transform our quality management system to one that is compliant to this international standard. This certification requires that accredited labs demonstrate that they are competent and can produce technically valid data and results unlike other certifications such as ISO 9001:2015. This represents an obvious value to our clients. Find more details at Microvision labs eds mapping.

Do you give lab tours? Yes, we routinely give lab tours to our clients and potential clients. Please call and we would be happy to schedule a tour for you and your co-workers. Do you have other locations around the country? We do work for companies all across the United States, with one laboratory which is located in Chelmsford, Massachusetts. Did MicroVision Labs ever operate under a different company name? No, we have always been MicroVision Laboratories, Inc. Our founder, John Knowles, used to work for another laboratory that underwent several name changes (Eastern Analytical Laboratories, Industrial Environmental Analysts, American Environmental Network, Severn Trent Laboratories, and EMLab P&K Billeria) and was located nearby in Billerica. When that laboratory was closed in 2008, John hired a few of the remaining analysts and acquired its equipment, client list and phone number.

Translucent or transparent coatings on metallic or semi-conductor substrates are very difficult to image due to their reflective nature. Nomarski/DIC imaging is an effective method for accentuating differences in thickness, density or the optical index in these cases. This analysis enhances and highlights subtle features with brilliant color gradients and captures them with a high resolution digital imaging system. Let us bring out your sample’s hidden features. Discover more details at