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Surprising benefits of a memory foam pillow

3 min read

Less known advantages of a memory foam pillow: Traditional (or viscoelastic) memory foam is the most widely available variety of the material. It is polyurethane-based, and categorized as a type of polyfoam. Plant-based memory foam is manufactured using a combination of petrochemicals and botanical ingredients. Plant-based foam layers are designed in an open-cell configuration, making them more breathable and cooler for sleeping than standard memory foams. Mattress cover: The top cover — located above the comfort layer — will also vary in its thickness, as well as the material used to make it. Covers that are thicker or constructed from less breathable materials may cause you to sleep hot, and also may affect the responsiveness of the memory layer.

This is a great price for a memory-foam mattress with such a floaty feel. We found it springy yet supportive, especially for anyone who is average weight or lighter, including children. It’s just a smidgen firmer than average, and the high breathability factor of the “ecocell” foam layer that sits on top of the other two layers of memory means it doesn’t get damp if you sweat. Your partner can roll over to their heart’s content without you feeling a thing and it’s treated with anti-bacterial, anti-dust mite and anti-fungal protection. The box is smaller and lighter than others, making it easier to get up the stairs, but while delivery is free, be warned collection costs are chargeable if you find you don’t like it.

Initially developed by NASA researchers in the 1970s, memory foam is today one of the most popular comfort layer materials on the market. Memory foam is also commonly known as ‘viscoelastic polyurethane foam’ or ‘low-resilience polyurethane foam (LRPu)’. However, it’s important to note that not all memory foam mattresses are strictly polyurethane-based (see next section for more details). In addition to mattresses, memory foam is also commonly found in pillows and mattress toppers. Memory foam bridges the gap for mattress comfort layers. It combines the low cost and shape retention of traditional polyfoam with the superior support and body-contouring of a latex comfort layer. An important characteristic of memory foam is that it is viscoelastic, meaning that it changes shape when pressure is applied, and then returns to its original form once the pressure is released. Explore even more info on this website.

Based on the heat from your body, Memory foam pillows work and soften into the ideal shape to support your head and neck. There are several ways to use a memory foam pillow to improve your sleep. To provide maximum support for your head and neck, regardless of whether you sleep on your side or your back, place the flat side of your pillow down and orient the pillow with the larger of the two curves toward the foot of your bed. Settle into your pillow and effortlessly let your head sink in. Stay with it even if the pillow seems too hard at first.. Pros and cons of memory foam : The mattresses are usually compressed for shipping, allowing customers to order them online without a truck. Off-gassing potential is high for memory foam beds, and some mattresses emit odors for weeks after they are removed from their packaging.

Sleep Apnea: The exact benefits for those with sleep apnea are undetermined. However, it is commonly believed that the spinal alignment also aligns the airways better allowing easier breathing. The lack of pressure points with memory foam may also be a benefit to those with sleep apnea, as there is less tossing and turning. This leads to sound, restful sleep. Durability and Aesthetics: Memory Foam Pillows retain their shape so they will not go flat like traditional pillows. Memory foam conforms to fit the neck and head, but as it cools, it reverts to its original shape. Feather and fiber filled or batted pillows develop lumps, go flat, or just plain wear out over time. Memory foam returns to its shapereliably, again and again. They outlast other high quality pillows simply by design.