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High quality Cordyceps Prestige online store

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Premium Tea Tree Oil – 55mlTea Tree Oil online store by A diet rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables is likely high in fiber, but for those who can’t eat certain foods or need help with digestion, a fiber supplement may be helpful. If you’re looking for the best fiber to keep you full and promote digestive balance, Nano Singapore’s Organic Triple Fiber product is an excellent option. The USDA Organic powder combines non-GMO flaxseed, oat, and acacia fiber to offer a blend of both insoluble and soluble fibers as well as protein. The dairy-free, gluten-free, and soy-free product provides 3 grams of dietary fiber and 2 grams of protein per scoop. Unlike other supplements that contain only soluble or insoluble fiber, this balanced fiber supplement combines the digestion-slowing soluble fiber from flax and acacia with oat fiber, which is mostly insoluble and passes through the digestive system intact. The powder mixes easily with juice or water and can help to alleviate constipation. If you’re not a fan of powder supplements, Nano Singapore makes the same supplement in capsule form. See additional details at

Be persistent and overcome. There will be times when you just don’t follow your plan. Perhaps it’s that evening when you eat a whole bag of sweets in one sitting. Don’t let this derail your entire journey. Use it as a lesson to be learned and move forward. This is extremely important, especially when you just start on your new plan. You will be surprised at how many times you sabotage your diet and exercise plan without even realizing it. Tell your friends and family about your goals. This will create some accountability for you and will also provide you with support from those who care about you and love you.

At the same time, we prioritised our focus to have Nano Singapore’s brand presence on the three major eCommerce marketplaces, Lazada, Shopee and Qoo10. How do you feel about your win? Earning awards for Best in eCommerce (Brands) and Best in eCommerce (Marketplace/eRetailer) from the Asia eCommerce Awards 2021 is an extreme honour as the organisation highlights the best of the best through these recognitions. It has also been confirmed to us that all of our hard work over the last two years was worth the dedication. We are also very thankful for the efforts of the organisers as well as our stakeholders.

Ginger essential oil, for example, is known to promote your digestive health by easing indigestion, constipation and ulcers. A study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology found that ginger oil stimulated gastric emptying in people with indigestion. Ginger oil is also used to relieve gas, reduce nausea and ease abdominal pain. Another useful essential oil for digestion is peppermint. Research shows that peppermint oil works to provide rapid relief of IBS symptoms. In a 4-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 72 patients with IBS received either peppermint oil or placebo. The peppermint group experienced a 40 percent reduction in total IBS symptoms after 4 weeks, which was superior to the 24 percent decrease of symptoms reported by the patients in the placebo group. After just 24 hours of using peppermint oil, the treatment group experienced a decrease in symptoms of 19.6 percent. Some other essential oils that may be helpful for digestion include fennel, lemongrass, marjoram, black pepper and juniper berry.

Calcium. All the vitamin D in the world won’t protect your bones unless you get enough calcium. In theory, diet can fill the bill, but many of us don’t consume enough dairy products and other calcium-rich foods. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of calcium for men is 1,000 milligrams (mg) before age 71 and 1,200 mg thereafter. If your diet falls short, supplements make sense; calcium carbonate and calcium citrate are best. Although many doctors routinely recommend calcium supplements for women, who have a high risk of osteoporosis, men should limit themselves to the RDA since some evidence suggests very high levels may increase the risk of prostate cancer. And a 2011 report linked calcium supplements, with or without vitamin D, to an increased risk of heart disease. It’s not a proven risk, but it underlines the need for careful study of the risks and benefits of supplements, including the popular items that “everybody knows are good for you.”

Native to Iran, the Himalayas and northern India, the pomegranate is high in vitamins A, C, E and iron, and is often referred to as a “fruity panacea” because of its numerous health health benefits. It is an important traditional remedy in many ancient systems ofmedicine; in Ayurvedic medicine, for example, the rind of the fruit is used against diarrhoea, dysentery andintestinal parasites. It is now known that the rind contains ellagitannins that are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-parasitic,anti-inflammatory and astringent. The medicinal applications of pomegranate, known to ancient medicalsystems for centuries, are now being validated through empirical evidence gleaned from scientific investigation. In recent years, a number of studies have surfaced which describe the therapeutic uses of pomegranate inareas such as rheumatology and cardiology. For instance, the anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranatepolyphenols have been shown to offer protection against atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

Another powerful spice, cinnamon, has one of the highest antioxidant levels of any of the spices. Several studies have shown that cinnamon may improve insulin sensitivity, which improves utilization of carbohydrates and leads to better blood-sugar control. Sprinkle it in shakes, on oats, yogurt, cottage cheese or wherever you’d enjoy the added flavor. Or if you want the assurance of getting a specific dose, you can choose a supplement. Studies have shown that one gram daily (about 1/2 teaspoon) is sufficient. Note: Cinnamon comes in two varieties — Ceylon and cassia cinnamon — and the most benefits have been linked to the cassia variety. Another note: If you have blood sugar issues, exercise caution if combining cinnamon with other diabetes drugs or supplements for blood sugar control.

To burn off that piece of bak kwa: Ok, maybe not bak kwa…but you get the idea. Over-indulging in new year goodies might mean a few extra centimetres around the waist. To help kick off your metabolism, why not try raspberry ketones? They’re known to increase the natural production of Apdiponectin, which helps to break down stored fat cells while increasing metabolism and encourages the burning of fats. Of course, we haven’t forgotten about the little ones who have probably eaten one too many sweets and goodies over Chinese New Year. Moreover, cultivating healthy lifestyle habits for children can be daunting to parents while dreary to the kids themselves. As such, one solution is to introduce fun gummies such as Gumazing that are tasty and chewable.

Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are not water-soluble, and our bodies may have difficulties excreting the excess. In addition, the build-up over time can lead to toxicity. Vitamin D toxicity, for instance, may cause bone pain and kidney stones. Even water-soluble vitamins like Vitamin C can also cause side effects such as diarrhoea, nausea, and vomiting if taken in excess. Many believe that products labelled as ‘natural’ are free of ‘chemicals’. Here’s the deal – natural medicines, just like laboratory-produced products, are made up of chemicals too. This is a reminder to cast aside the preconceived notion that “natural is always better”.

Nano Singapore’s flagship product, Men’s Vitality Formula was formulated for men and made with the latest scientific research in wellness innovation. More than just a normal multivitamin, it has fruits and herbal blends to boost immunity and vitality. Hailed as the “Lamborghini” of men’s multivitamins, it has cemented the company’s place as a market leader in multivitamins. Peranakan culture is one of the heterogeneous identities of Singapore, this crossroads on the trade routes of diverse peoples and nations. The term Peranakan is an Indonesian/Malay word that means “local born”. Find more information at