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Excellent hand-forged Katana swords online shop

4 min read

Katana swords online shop right now? First of all, you can focus on customizing your blade… And it all starts with whether you want your blade sharpened or not. Afterward, you have to choose the blade’s metal, which comes in 6 main types. Then, you can choose whether you want a beautiful, Clay-Tempered Natural Hamon on your blade, available in 8 distinct styles. Afterward, you can add a Blood Groove (Bo-Hi) on the blade, add a colored microplating with one of our 5 available colors, and also engrave your katana’s blade. After the blade, you can focus on the Habaki & Seppa, then the Tsuba & Fittings. These two pieces make the hard finishing of your blade, and there are hundreds of options to choose from, especially for the Tsuba, Koshira, Menuki and Fuchi. Use the filters above the options to filter through our more than 100 types of tsuba and fittings for your custom katana. Find additional details on custom Katana.

Once the Smelter finishes his job, the Swordsmith takes over. His responsibility is to transform the block of steel into an exquisite blade. First of all, he takes the block of steel, reheats it in his own furnace, and forges (elongating and hammering) it as per the needs of the sword he’s building. If the smith builds a Folded blade, he elongates, beats the steel and re-folds it – making it into a steel block again. He can do this several times. This is what creates the beautiful “Damascus Steel” effect on the blade and makes for a stronger steel. For simpler, high-carbon blades – he simply elongates the steel and hammers it directly. This is also where the Blood Groove (Bo-Hi) is built – and the Smith needs to be very exact in order to create a perfect blade.

We therefore use High-Carbon steel for most of our swords, as it provides: A Strong, Hard Blade First off, a carbon steel sword’s blade is extremely strong — much stronger than a stainless steel sword. Japanese swordsmiths employed carbon steel to create katana swords after learning about this characteristic of the material in feudal Japan. Carbon steel swords can withstand combat whereas other metal swords are readily broken when needed. Swords made of carbon steel also have the advantage of having a lasting edge. In other words, the sword’s sharpened blade won’t break or simply shatter. Before carbon steel was developed, the Samurai would repeatedly sharpen their knives. Just a little amount of pressure might have harmed their blade, so they had to be very meticulous with it. Carbon steel swords, on the other hand, are more resistant to this kind of harm due to their strength, allowing them to keep their edge.

When buying a katana or a functional sword – the type of steel used is of paramount importance. Good metal workers know any kind of metal has a special purpose. We can’t use the same steel as we do in industrial machinery in a sword. The goal of good steel is to have a perfect balance of toughness and hardness. While certain types of metals are good for staying on a wall and being looked at, others are good to cut trees and bamboo, all while remaining strong and impenetrable.

Carbon Folded or Unfolded Steel. The most widely used steel type for swords is High-Carbon Steel. This is a type of steel that (). Carbon Steel can also be Folded (creating the beautiful “Damascus Steel” pattern) and Clay-Tempered to create a Hamon. Spring Steel. Another very widely used type of steel is Spring Steel. It’s the favorite steel type of the survivalist, for it is very resistant and can withstand heavy bending and come back to its normal shape. Kobuse Steel. Then, we have Kobuse Steel – our Premium steel at Swords for Sale. This is a mix of Clay-Tempered 1095 Steel for the Core of its blade, and 1095 Folded Steel for its outer part. This makes its core soft and its outer, cutting part very hard – a truly superior blade. It’s also polished with our special Hazuya stone giving it an amazing look.

A hand-forged sword that will last generations, at a reasonable price, should never be a distant dream. The sword of your dreams can actually be custom-made… just for you. We have Japanese and Chinese swords for sale, like the katana, wakizashi, ninjato, tanto knife, and also the more artistic Chinese dao and jiang swords. The katana is the original and most widely known Japanese sword. It was first created and worn by the Samurai – and also used and re-purposed by the Ninja – or Shinobi (who weren’t in fact wearing a black outfit and covered their face at all). Discover extra details at