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Second coming of Jesus Christ studies

4 min read

Second coming of Jesus Christ interpretations? Statistical data reveals an apocalyptic code that points to end-time events right now. The pattern was so strong and unusual that it appeared to be nothing short of miraculous. The very last clue provided by Conchita was the matter of the said miracle and when it was to occur. Recall that Conchita stated that the miracle must occur within 12 months after the warning, on the feast day of a recognized martyred saint of the Eucharist. And Conchita also stated that the said day must fall between the 8th and 16th day of either March, April or May. Having now ruled out the months of March and May, and having narrowed down the day to the 13th of Easter April, the only feast day of a martyred saint of the Eucharist that falls on the 13th day of April is Saint Hermenegild (A.D. 585).

But what about the bolide, asteroid or comet of The Third Secret of Fatima that is supposed to hit the ocean and cause a deluge that wipes out entire continents from the face of the earth? If the late Malachi Martin was correct about the events of The Third Secret of Fatima occuring by 2018, then the date of April 13, 2017 is the likely date of the Garabandal ‘Miracle’, since most people would not even be alive to receive the ‘Warning’ if it were given after the deluge. [Note: Due to certain events which have not occurred by 2018, the date of the asteroid/comet event must be in 2022, and preceding such a catastrophic event, the ‘Miracle’ of Garabandal must be between April 9, 2020 and April 14, 2022.]/[UPDATE: July 25, 2018 – 2.1 Kiloton meteor hit Greenland just 43 kilometers from Thule U.S. Air Force Base without warning, let alone, without a word from the said military base.

Unlike the said spirits from Heaven, the author’s said spirit was in horrible condition and appeared polluted. Flakes at the bottom of the author’s spirit represented the author’s deplorable sinful mistakes in life. Such markers of sin in the author’s spirit can be likened to the “specks” and cloudy “shade” that appeared in Saint Anna Maria Taigi’s luminous “sun” disc that was given by Heaven to aid her in her mission to God. Indeed, according to those involved in the death Inquest of the said Saint, it was revealed that the God given gift that she referred to as the sun disc that followed her around appeared to be an extension of her soul. “By the assistance of the angel she saw near things and distant things, present and future, as also the secret thoughts of others, with a certainty which made persons believe that she could read hearts. The sun afforded her the same kind of light to Anna Maria, and she exercised by its means a continual control over her dispositions and behavior; as she saw her involuntary defects, in this luminary in the form of shades, or specks, like flies; and when the servant of God humbled herself, imploring forgiveness, the sun immediately returned its cloudless luster.” According to Entry 83 of Saint Faustina Kowalska’s Diary, Jesus Christ related to her that before the expected Day of Judgment of God’s wrath can occur, the Day of Divine Mercy must first precede it. For the Divine Mercy prepares the world for the Second Coming of Christ. (Entry 429). And as Jesus again stated to the saint: “He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice.” (Entry 1146). See even more details on this website.

The apparitions at Medjugorje represent the last of the Marian communications before the second coming of Jesus Christ. The messages given by the apparitions involved ten secrets. Mirjana received all ten secrets first that was written on a parchment on Christimas day in 1982. Mirjana was apparently the only one who could read the secrets on this parchment. The other children received the secrets verbally during the apparition sightings. Five of the six children have received all ten of the secrets, while only one, known as Vicka, has not, for she continues to witness daily sightings of the Blessed Virgin to this day. Such marian sightings appear to be strongly tied to the Garabandal apparitions insofar as the warning of God and the miraculous sign are concerned. And according to one of the seers, Mirjana Soldo, the Virgin Mary told her “that Medjugorje would be the fulfillment of Fatima and that her heart would triumph.”

Now although two more world championships were astonishingly racked up by American professional sports teams named after Christian saints and angels in both 2018 and 2019, it is the original 13 teams that won 30 world championships for fifteen straight years, between 1999 and 2014, that is statistically important and meaningful here. The number 13 appears to be significant here, not only in regards to this sports record phenomenon, but also in terms of end-times prophecy. As strange as that may sound, the number 13 appears to be a code that points to several interesting, but important apocalyptic events. Could the heavens be behind such string of victories for so many years? And if so, what does this all mean? Or rather, what does certain American professional sports teams and their recent unprecedented achievements have anything to do with various known elements of end-time events? Discover more info at third secret of Fatima.