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Michael Jackson full cover : songs, career and family

3 min read

Album reviews : Michael Jackson family now and his top albums: “I think all he wanted was a provocative title, and ultimately he didn’t want the content of the song to live up to the title,” Madonna said at the time. “I said, ‘Look, Michael, if you want to do something with me, you have to be willing to go all the way or I’m not going to do it.’” His engineers remember her visiting him once at the studio, where they spent a little time in his private room in the back. “When I asked Michael later about her visit he said that she ‘scared’ him,” his engineer Rob Disner later said. “I think we all speculated that she tried to make a ‘move’ on him but Michael never said. In any event, we never saw her again.” The creative union most likely fizzled due to major stylistic divergences. Madonna imagined an extreme makeover: giving him a Caesar haircut, getting him out of his bedazzled military uniforms, taking him to New York and hanging out with the voguers, House of Xtravaganza. Michael wanted to go hip-hop and ultimately enlisted rappers Heavy D and Aqil Davidson of Wreckx N’ Effect as the principal guest vocalists.

Hours after TMZ announced Michael Jackson‘s death, something “magical” happened. Everyone decided it was safe to be a fan of the King of Pop again. In a matter of minutes, maybe less, the whole world (more specifically, America) forgot about the corny punch lines they once shared to friends at the water cooler or the countless parodies they had come to enjoy, all of which developed this unfortunate post-2000 personification of an artist that, more or less, had become a modern myth. Up until that point, the name Michael Jackson didn’t necessarily spark memories of, say, Thriller, Bad, or the often forgotten 90’s masterpiece, Dangerous. Instead, trashy tabloids and shitty gags in Scary Movie, South Park, etc. took precedence. It’s a crap deal for someone who’s arguably the most inimitable force in music history, but that’s how things were prior to June 25, 2009. Still, death’s a curious thing.

Dangerous (1991): Arguably the most underrated adult-era MJ album. Dangerous might be the first time Michael followed trends instead of setting them but this is no mere cookie-cutter release. MJ’s partnership with Teddy Riley showed that there was more than enough room for him to carve his own niche in the crowded New Jack Swing scene. And he did it effortlessly. Yes, the King of Pop released one of the greatest New Jack Swing albums of all time, crafting an album that blends several musical genres while simultaneously bearing his soul with poignant lyrics. Keep that in mind the next time you get annoyed when a pop singer drops a great R&B album. Forgotten Favorites: “She Drives Me Wild,” “Will You Be There,” “Can’t Let Her Get Away”.

Michael Jackson family: Mocienne Petit Jackson’s (Michael Jackson’s daughter) books are now available in french! For our dutch visitors: In dit eerste deel van de driedelige autobiografie van Mocienne Petit Jackson maken we kennis met Mocienne, het hoofdpersonage. We volgen haar vanaf haar zesde tot haar negende levensjaar en lezen over haar wonderlijke avonturen. Eerst woont zij bij haar vader – Michael Jackson! – in Californië. Omdat deze dikwijls weg moet, is zij steeds in gezelschap van een nanny. Meer dan eens wordt de nanny vervangen door een andere. Mocienne is vaak ziek. Zij gaat op Haiti wonen bij een tante – haar vader Michael vindt het belangrijk dat ze in een gezin met andere kinderen opgroeit. Langzaam maar zeker wordt het haar duidelijk dat ze geen gewone vader heeft, en dat hij niet de man is die hij beweert te zijn: een politieman. Op Haïti bezoekt hij haar tussen zijn optredens door regelmatig. Haar leven daar gaat bepaald niet over rozen. Mocienne heeft er te maken met aardige en minder aardige mensen en krijgt veel meer voor haar kiezen dan gezond is voor een kind. Vanuit het perspectief van het jonge meisje beleven we allerhande avonturen op het eiland. Het leven van Mocienne neemt een dramatische wending nadat zij naar Port-??au-??Prince is verhuisd. Niet lang daarna verandert haar leven in een ware nachtmerrie… Lees het boek hier Thriller Betrayal (Dutch Edition).