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Invisalign dental clinic right now Surrey

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Excellent gum disease dental clinic near me in Chessington: High Success Rate – Dental implants have a high success rate, making them a reliable and effective solution for tooth replacement. With advances in dental technology and techniques, the success rate of dental implants has increased significantly. When placed by an experienced and qualified dental professional, such as those providing dental implants in Chessington, the success rate can be as high as 98%. This high success rate ensures that you can enjoy the benefits of dental implants for many years to come. Dental Implants in Chessington – If you are considering dental implants, it is essential to choose a reputable and experienced dental professional. Dental implants in Chessington offer a high standard of care and expertise, ensuring that you receive the best possible outcome. The dental professionals in Chessington are skilled in the latest implant techniques and use state-of-the-art technology to provide patients with successful and lasting results. Read extra details at dental dentures Chessington Surrey.

How can dental implants benefit us? Although the process of getting dental implants is somewhat lengthy and expensive compared to other restorative options, its long-term benefits far outweigh the downsides. Our team of highly skilled and experienced dentists works hard to make sure that your dental implant surgery procedure goes smoothly and provides you with new teeth that will last you a lifetime. If you need replacement teeth and are still unsure about getting dental implants, we have listed below some of the advantages they can provide you with. When a tooth is missing, the neighboring teeth have a natural tendency to tilt and drift toward the empty space, eventually filling up the gap. This can alter the way your teeth come into contact with each other and affect your speech and chewing ability. The presence of an implant can prevent this condition and maintain the overall health of your teeth.

Jen came in worried she didn’t want to change her lips totally but just wanted ‘a natural’ look. We placed 1ml of juvederm volift to enhance her lips and add some volume and definition. The top picture is before the procedure and the lower picture is two weeks after treatment. Before after Lip Fillers in Chessington, Surrey: These are also images of Jen taken from a different angle and help to clearly show the big before and after differences lip filler injections can make. The right image clearly shows the natural looking and fuller lips 2 weeks after treatment.

Dental implants dentist 2024 Chessington Surrey: This is the secret ingredient which what makes facial fillers so effective – it has incredible hydrating powers. Our bodies naturally make hyaluronic acid to maintain moisture levels in the skin. It’s also the secret molecule responsible for making babies’ skin so soft. Around the age of 26, however, hyaluronic acid production levels in the body greatly slow down; resulting in the typical signs of ageing such as wrinkles, lines, and a generally lack-lustre complexion as we age. Juvederm injections fillers don’t only place more of this incredible chemical in the skin, it also encourages production – giving you softer, firmer, and flawless looking skin.

We are proud to be have been one of the first dental clinics in Surrey to open a Profhilo clinic that offers the revolutionary Profhilo skin rejuvenation treatment. Profhilo is a fantastic anti-ageing treatment that Dr Dipen Patel offers to boost, tighten and hydrate the skin. Profhilo is not classified as a filler as it’s an incredibly effective remodelling injectable used to smooth and tighten the skin. It contains a high concentration of hyaluronic acid which helps skin that is losing its elasticity by improving its firmness. It can be used in combination with other facial aesthetic treatments and creams, or as a stand-alone treatment.

Why do people get lip injections? Lip fillers can be used to treat issues you may be having with your lips such as an uneven shape, imbalanced upper and lower lips, cracked or dry lips and lips that are too thin. Our lips naturally become thinner as we age. So, when collagen levels start to decrease, the signs of ageing begin to appear. This is a completely normal process because our bodies stop producing as much collagen over time. Collagen is an essential protein which gives your skin its elasticity and plumpness. Re-treatment may be necessary every twelve months or so to keep your lips at their ultimate level of plumpness. There are very few side effects associated with lip enhancer treatment although you may notice some slight bruising and redness around the site of injection for a few days following the procedure. This will fade after a day or two. The treatment is painless, and you’ll continue to see the incredible plumping impact of your lip fillers for up to two weeks – with results lasting as long as twelve months before requiring a top-up. See extra details on here.

Botox for the TMJ (masseter muscles): Botox is a great treatment option for people who are grinding or clenching their teeth. These patients often need a lot of dental work due to the excessive forces put on their teeth and can suffer from headaches and migraines. Treatment involves relaxing the overactive masseter muscles with a small needle into each muscle. Results can last for up to 6 months and be very effective. Dr Dipen Patel offers free consultations, so why not book yours today!

Improved speech – Your speech is influenced by how air interacts with your teeth when it passes through your mouth. Any changes in your dentition, such as the loss of one or more teeth, can disrupt your normal speech pattern and cause difficulty in pronouncing certain sounds. Dental implants can help overcome this problem to a great degree as they mimic your natural teeth when you speak. When implants are used as a tooth replacement option, they provide you with a speech pattern that closely resembles your own. They fill in the gaps and allow air to pass through them, much like your original teeth. Implants are also anchored into your jawbone, so they don’t tend to move or rock inside your mouth, ensuring a stable dentition. Traditional dentures, on the other hand, lack stability and may slip inside your mouth, causing slurring of some words.