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Quality Dragon Ball anime merch online store

4 min read

High quality Dragon Ball anime manga merchandise online shopping: Hajime no Ippo is one of several sports manga that ranks among the most sold manga of all time, and it’s also one of the longest. This series was launched in 1989 and is still serializing today, with an astonishing 138 volumes and counting to its name. Protagonist Ippo Makunouchi is a total dandere who’s often too busy helping his mother at work to even try making any friends. One day, Ippo was beaten up at the hands of his usual bullies, and a retired boxer helped inspire Ippo to take up boxing and learn to fight for himself. From there, Ippo began a serious career as a scrappy underdog who will push himself to the limits to fight and win. See even more information on dragon ball merch.

Dragon Ball has not only been popular in Japan for many years — it’s been a sensation all around the world. That said, of course, fans can find Dragon Ball merchandise at almost any big store they walk into. The sheer amount of options makes the Dragon Ball series a great one to collect. However, every anime fan has to buy a set of the Dragon Balls for their collection. If just the Dragon Balls aren’t enough, viewers can even buy a Dragon Radar and a Saiyan Scouter as well.

Pokemon X and Y took Pokemon into the world of 3D on the Nintendo 3DS and let us experience its universe like never before. It was a significant change from the other titles that came before it, and felt like it truly marked the start of a new era for the long-running franchise. The charming sprites of yesteryear turned into gorgeous 3D models on the handheld, which elevated the battle sequences to new animated heights. The Pokemon-Amie system was also introduced for the first time, which lets you interact with your Pokemon companions and form bonds with them. It was a welcome touch that finally let you pet and play with your favourite battling buddies. X and Y also brought in a lot more customisation, allowing you to change the look and style of your trainer. While it is only cosmetic, it added to the role-playing element of the experience in a fun way. X and Y propelled the series forward and laid down the groundwork for what was to come in Sun and Moon. It also introduced yet more interesting Pokemon, including the addition of the fairy-type, as well as new social features. While it isn’t quite as good as some of the earlier games, it’s one of the best looking entries in the franchise so far, and will always be notable for transitioning the main Pokemon series into the realm of 3D.

The Gundam series are countless, just like so many stars in the universe, and Mobile Suit Gundam wing stands atop other series in quality. This old 90s mecha series is pure gold. The story revolves around the USA Sphere Alliance ruling over earth and space colonies. But, there is always a voice against the crime, so sphere colonies rebel against the ruling system. As a result, their leaders were assassinated. Now the group of these “Gundams” was sent to fight against the ruling system alliance and assault the Sphere Alliance and its sub-organization OZ. Those fights are epic. Frankly, the animation is not so up to the mark and feels a bit outdated, but the show holds up extremely well today.

There are few stories that help in coping with dark times like these of pandemics. The neon genesis Evangelion is all about feeling good and embracing the dark times. The story covers a group of teenagers tasked with fighting giant monsters. They pilot innovative and smart robots to fight with monsters to save the city. Above all the fights, the neon genesis Evangelion is a psychological thriller linked with mecha anime style to ease your mind from the real world’s horrors. The show will leave you to ponder some questions about life, and you will be asking philosophical questions. It’s worth a watch. Find additional information at

It revolves around Syaoran, an archaeologist who goes on to help the princess Sakura get her memories back. It is filled with a series of mind-blowing and exciting elements. At one point, the princess is lured into finding magic hidden in a cave and that is when she loses all her memories. Eventually, Syaoran goes on to help retrieve her memories and figures out that her memories are placed in various parallel worlds. He then goes on an adventure trying to retrieve all her memories and ensures to protect her throughout these travels. It’s a riveting and exciting play of events as the two go on to finding the memories of the princess. What’s more enrapturing is the music and soundtracks added to each of the isekai anime episodes. It makes you feel like you’re a part of their adventure and feels every emotion they feel.