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Recommended thyroid test with LowPricedLabs

3 min read

Recommended comprehensive metabolic panel test by LowPricedLabs? Uric acid is a waste product produced by the body and is metabolised and excreted by Liver and kidneys. High level of uric acid indicates compromised function of liver and kidneys and demand immediate testing. We can monitor it by taking Blood samples. It includes Triglyceride level, LDL, HDL, and cholesterol. All of these lipids are metabolised directly or indirectly through liver .Altered level indicates compromised liver function and can lead to various diseases like atherosclerosis and eventually death. Blood Samples are used to measure their level.

It is the level of insulin hormone in our blood. Its results are used to differentiate between different kinds of diabetes as to whether the patient has a deficiency of insulin or the inability of the patient to utilize it. A blood sample is required to measure its value. Who and Why Should you take these tests: Diabetes is a silent killer as it causes a syndrome of improper metabolism and links other diseases into it. More than 60 million in the United States of America have diabetes. If we take four random individuals two of them are either diabetic or prediabetic .It can occur at any age. It remains silent in the body so timely diagnosis is very important. Failure to diagnose it timely can lead to long term microvascular, macrovascular, and other complications.

IronTotal and Total Iron Binding Capacity: This test is performed to check the level of iron and the Transferrin i.e a protein that promotes the binding of iron. Both the level of iron and transferrin are necessary to enjoy optimum health because iron is an important constituent of hemoglobin that constitutes our red blood cells. Low level of iron can lead to anemias and compromised health in individuals and can cost us the loss of life if remained unchecked for some time. That is why an individual must keep a check on the level of Iron and Iron binding capacity.

Periodic blood testing is one of the most important ways to evaluate your overall health. Our General Wellness test is a panel of blood tests that would help understand overall wellness of a person. CBC – complete blood count test can be used to evaluate overall health, it gives insights into count of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets this will help identify conditions like anemia & infections. ALP (Alkaline Phosphates) – high levels in blood indicate Liver dysfunction or bone disorders. ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase or SGPT) – test help identify liver related diseases. AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase or SGOT) – helps identify damage to liver. Bilirubin – test would help identify jaundice and other liver related diseases. WBC – testing White Blood Cells can help identify infections. RBC – Red Blood Cells carry oxygen; this test can help identify anemia. Hemoglobin – this is the protein that carry oxygen in RBC, test help identify anemic conditions. Find additional details at how to test thyroid.

Today, most states allow patients to have direct access to labs. I had the idea to make the process more accessible with the help of technology. In this way, it is much less expensive than to go directly into a lab for needed tests. That is why I founded Low Priced Labs. We handle lab orders from major labs to bring you the convenience you need to get your blood work done and results back in a timely manner. How It Works: 1) Choose a lab near you and choose the test you need to perform from the website. 2) Go to that lab and get the test done quickly. 3) You will be notified as soon as the results are ready, and view them confidentially online. 4) In certain cases where the law demands, our doctors will call you with the results and discuss with you privately.

Immunization Blood Tests: These tests are performed to check the immunization status of an individual. Antibodies are produced in the body after the immunization of an individual against a certain pathology. These tests measure these antibodies so that timely passive immunization can be done. Immunization Blood Test Panel: We are offering following blood tests in this panel. Hepatitis B Surface Antibody immunity, Quantitative: It is used to check the immunity status of an individual against the hepatitis B virus. The presence of antibodies indicates either a person is immune to hepatitis B or gets a recent passive immunity in the form of a vaccine. Blood Samples are required to perform this test. Discover additional info on here.