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Hangover drink and recommendations

3 min read

Searching the best hangover recovery drink? The caffeine in Coke, which constricts the brain’s blood vessels, can also help curb a pounding headache, says Kevin Strang, Ph.D., a distinguished faculty associate at University of Wisconsin Madison who has been teaching a course on how alcohol affects the body for 18 years. Meanwhile, Mexican soda can deliver additional benefits: Unlike U.S. versions filled with high-fructose corn syrup, Coke from our neighbors to the south is sweetened with plain old sugar that raises your body’s glucose levels even more quickly than conventional sodas, Strang explains.

How to prevent a hangover. Eating a meal before drinking alcohol can reduce the effects of a hangover. While there are no scientifically proven hangover cures, people can effectively prevent a hangover from happening in the first place. Several factors may help to reduce the severity of a hangover, such as: Drinking in moderation. The one sure way to avoid a hangover is by not drinking alcohol. People can usually guarantee a milder hangover if they drink less alcohol the night before. Avoiding congeners. Some alcoholic drinks produce worse hangovers than others. Drinks with high congener content are more likely to cause a hangover, including whiskey, cognac, and tequila. Vodka, rum, and gin are low-congener drinks.

Dr. Robert Swift, a researcher at the Providence Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Rhode Island, coauthored one of the few review papers on hangovers in 1998. It’s still one of the most frequently cited sources on the topic. The rundown on hangover remedies that follows is based on that review, an interview with Dr. Swift, and several other sources. Hair of the dog. Drinking to ease the symptoms of a hangover is sometimes called taking the hair of the dog, or hair of the dog that bit you. The notion is that hangovers are a form of alcohol withdrawal, so a drink or two will ease the withdrawal. Discover even more information on Hangover Remedy.

Avoid Drinks With Congeners. Through the process of ethanol fermentation, sugars are converted into carbon dioxide and ethanol, also known as alcohol. Congeners are toxic chemical by-products that are also formed in small amounts during this process, with different alcoholic beverages contain varying amounts. Some studies have found that consuming drinks with a high amount of congeners could increase the frequency and severity of a hangover. Congeners may also slow the metabolism of alcohol and cause prolonged symptoms.

The best drink to end your night with and your prescription for a better next day! You need to let loose, relax, and party sometimes; it’s scientific fact. Without relaxation and recreation, we lose our edge–and have way less fun. BUT. NOBODY wants that hangover. Sure, you can tough it out, but it really ruins your day. Who wants to lose part of their weekend to an aching head and an angry stomach? Or worse, who wants to go into work and try to function when you’ve got no energy and you feel wrecked all over. Read more details on