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For sale safe FFXIV Gil 2022

4 min read

Cheap FFXIV Gil online store? I get it. FATEs are tedious. The public events see an explosion of fresh players leveling up their characters every expansion. After that, they’re mostly empty. There are simply easier, more enjoyable ways to grind EXP. They don’t provide a great deal of money, either, and even the Grand Company Seals can be acquired elsewhere. Notice a couple of things about that assessment, though? EXP, Gil, Seals: FATEs provide it all. They don’t provide much of any one thing, but the various values add up for the relatively short time it takes to run multiple FATEs. That’s not even including the better moneymaker of FATE grinding: Bicolor Gemstones. This unique currency is only awarded after completing a Shadowbringers or Endwalker FATE. You get 14 for a full, successful clear. You then turn them in to buy animal parts from Gemstone Traders throughout those expansions’ regions. Two gemstones will get you a single hide, bottle of milk, etc. Read additional details at FF14 Gil.

Sell Unhidden Leather Maps. Do not do these maps. The reward is almost never worth it. However, they sell for a lot, so they are completely worth selling on the market board. Set all treasure maps as a favorite on the market board. You can buy treasure maps to complete. Sometimes the low level ones sell for nothing and they almost always earn a profit. If you are in the mood to run maps, check prices and buy the ones you want to do. Even server hop to see if other worlds have them for a better price. You can even do them on that server as you buy them! Gardening can be a very stable moneymaker. Once you have an established pattern going, it’s very easy to maintain, while providing a stable income, which rarely fluctuates negatively.

Despite long queue times and heavily populated servers, players have also been extremely kind to “sprouts,” or newcomers, like me. One party was extremely patient with me as I tried to figure out the Return command for a certain dungeon. And others have given nice tips in party activities, commended my efforts, or just shared a dance or a wave at folks going by. From the sample size I’ve seen, it’s a generally nice community.

It’s fascinating that Final Fantasy 14’s player base has remained mostly positive in the face of all this. Look over at the Battlefield community to see a gaming subsection in utter meltdown, lashing out at developers and generally causing strife in Battlefield 2042 itself with suicidal plane crashes and more. That’s not to say there aren’t certain toxic subsections of Final Fantasy 14’s player base however (Yoshida basically told them to shut up in a recent radio show appearance), but on the whole, you stand a far greater chance of encountering positive, welcoming players in Final Fantasy 14 than the vocally toxic minority. With the server issues Square’s MMO is facing, it’s a minor miracle the entire fanbase hasn’t got the pitchforks out.

Every day over the holidays, I woke up early to log onto a game. My avatar would idle around as I worked, and in the spaces I could find, I’d sneak a few quests or just listen to the music, taking in the sights and sounds. It finally happened. Final Fantasy XIV hooked me in. For longer than I’ve even been professionally part of this industry, I’ve heard people talk about Final Fantasy XIV. Yes, I’ve seen the memes about its free trial and critically acclaimed expansion. I’ve heard friends gush about it. I’ve even had to write news stories about it, all the while osmosing what I could and learning more and more about this incredible redemption arc, from initial launch to A Realm Reborn and beyond.

To this end, we’ll start with combat-oriented ways of making Gil and gradually shift into methods specific to crafting and gathering. The best ways to make Gil in FFXIV quickly involve crafting and/or gathering. Whereas the best ways to make Gil consistently involve combat. Gil should, in theory, flow from most players passively accruing by running dungeons, to the crafters who sell them gear and consumables, and on to the gatherers who sell materials to the crafters. Though many players do it all, there are still more combat-focused players than not. Hence, they get top billing. See even more information at