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High quality ankle surgery advice from Michael Moharan

2 min read

Excellent ankle treatments information from Dr. Michael Moharan? Keep Your Post-Op Pain Under Control: One of the main reasons to have ankle surgery is to get rid of ankle pain. Of course, after the surgery, you will naturally experience some pain and swelling while you heal. This pain and discomfort will subside, but your ankle specialist will give you a prescription pain-relieving medication. Your ankle surgeon and physical therapist may also recommend the RICE method to help quell the pain during your recuperation, and this stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation of the affected area. Do not place ice on bare skin, as it can overexpose your skin to the cold temperature. Also, be careful not to make the compression so tight that it interferes with your circulation. Find extra info on Dr. Michael Moharan Massachusetts.

Dr. Moharan is an foot & ankle surgeon who currently holds expertise in the treatment of foot and ankle trauma, reconstructive surgery for sports injuries, arthritis, diabetes, stroke and other neuromuscular conditions. Dr. Moharan is currently serving patients at his private practice in Norwood, Massachusetts. There, he offers high quality treatment for all acute conditions, as well as treatment for chronic issues, including both medical and surgical management for foot and ankle conditions.

The right footwear is, therefore, vital for preventing injuries. So, the most probable solution to your issue is, of course, to wear appropriate footwear. This can minimize – if not altogether eliminate – foot pains. That being said, you should always opt for supportive shoes, keeping in mind the specific industry requirements which apply to your job. A balance between both will be your “sweet spot.” In the days and weeks after surgery, you’ll likely be told to avoid putting too much (if any) weight on your foot, avoid unnecessary physical labor, and rest as much as possible. You’ll also, obviously, prefer to avoid any preventable accidents when moving around the house, or navigating up and down stairs.

Once you’ve made a list of things you need, you can start getting them together so you’ll have what you need in the days and weeks following surgery. You’ll most likely need over-the-counter pain relievers, antibiotics so that you can avoid infection, reusable ice packs to help decrease swelling and help with pain, and supplies for covering your cast while you bathe. Waterproof cast covers are available, or you may opt for plastic bags and medical tape; just make sure they’re easily available when you come home.

In 2006, Dr. Moharan earned multiple medical doctor degrees from New York College & abroad. Thereafter, he went on to complete his residency at St. John’s Episcopal Hospital. Dr. Moharan also completed advanced training at Kennedy Health systems in New Jersey where he was awarded certifications in medical and surgical treatment of foot and ankle conditions. He has performed over 2000 successful surgeries of the foot and ankle , Dr. Moharan is considered an expert in the field of foot and ankle reconstructive surgery.