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Foundation repair and replacement services Denver, CO today

4 min read

Top rated wall bending repair company Colorado Springs: What Causes Cracks in Walls? One of the most common causes of wall cracks is foundation settlement. Settlement occurs when the soil underneath your home shifts or settles. This can happen for a number of reasons, including changes in the moisture content of the soil or changes in the temperature. When the soil settles, it can cause your foundation to settle with it. This can result in cracks in your walls. Another common cause of wall cracks is expansion and contraction. As the temperature outside fluctuates, so does the temperature of the soil around your foundation. This can cause the foundation to expand and contract, which can lead to cracks in your walls.

Helical piers are most commonly used to repair foundations that have been damaged by foundation settlement. Settlement occurs when the soil underneath your foundation loses its ability to support the weight of the foundation. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including: The soil was not compacted properly before the foundation was built. The foundation was built on fill dirt or organic material, which can settle over time. There has been a change in the water table, causing the soil to become saturated and unable to support the weight of the foundation. How are Helical Piers Installed? Installing helical piers is a relatively simple process. First, the area around the foundation is excavated so that the helical piers can be installed. Next, a hole is drilled into the ground, and the pier is inserted into the hole. The pier is then screwed into the ground until it reaches a depth that is adequate for supporting the foundation. Finally, a bracket is attached to the pier, and the foundation is connected to the bracket. Find additional info on foundation replacement in Colorado.

Fixing Cracks Where the Wall Meets the Ceiling: There are a few ways that you can fix cracks in the ceiling yourself, but we recommend that you call in a professional if the cracks are more than a quarter-inch wide. If the cracks are small, you can use caulk or spackle to fill them in. For bigger cracks, you may need to use drywall tape or mesh. Once you’ve filled in the cracks, be sure to sand them down so that they’re flush with the rest of the wall. Wall and ceiling cracks can be an indicator of foundation settlement. If that’s the case, you’ll want to work with a foundation repair expert to determine what is causing your foundation to sink. It could be a soil issue or an improperly-poured foundation. Once you determine the cause of foundation settlement, you’ll be able to treat the problem at the root, leading to fewer chances of wall and ceiling cracks in the future.

Watch the slope. Water pooling up near your home’s foundation is never a good thing. You should ensure your yard’s grade slopes away from the home in order to push away excess water that would otherwise seep into the foundation. On a related note, always make sure downspouts and gutters are pointed in the appropriate directions.

Look to your inside walls for signs of needed repair. Angled cracks in the plaster or at joints above a doorframe can be the first sign of a shifting foundation. If the home is settling in an un-level manner, cracks in walls could be prominent. On the other hand, anyone with a full basement – whether poured concrete, stacked stone, concrete block construction, bricks, or something else – can easily access the inside of the walls of their foundation. Look for cracks of a substantial nature or other signs of damage such as window frames bending or lowered ceiling height.

Looking for a wall bending repair company in Colorado? Typically, a company that is focused on their customer service will provide the best service and take care of their customers needs. You can tell a lot about a company by how their staff treats you from the initial phone call. Was the person that answered the phone courteous and professional? If you filled out an online request, did they respond promptly? When the technician came to do the assessment, were they polite, professional and did they explain everything entirely? These are just a few things to evaluate. When a company is focused on the customer, they are in business to serve their customers and will provide a great experience. We design world class Solutions for our customers. However, these Solutions still need to be looked at and verified by an engineer. We hire third-party engineers who are independent from our firm. Their professional confirmation helps to put your mind at ease and insures that our foundation repair solutions are appropriate for your home’s unique circumstances, whether it’s situated in Colorado Springs, Pueblo, or Denver.