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Sky show fireworks products factory today

3 min read

Fireworks equipment provider in 2022? The largest and most brilliant of cake fireworks, 500 gram cakes are giant and self-contained, making them the perfect addition to your sky show. These extra-large multi-shot units can be separated and lit individually, but when fused together, 500 gram cakes form a tremendous display of fabulous effects to integrate into a fireworks finale. Colors, sparkles, whistles, pops, cracks and bangs — you can have it all with the right repeater fireworks. Find more information on fireworks products manufacturers.

If you can, attend a professional firework show instead of putting one on yourself. These shows use impressive pyrotechnics that you can’t buy in stores and are lightyears ahead of anything in your own show. Professionals also know how to keep people safe and you won’t ever have to worry about sitting too close or getting a burn. No matter what you decide to do, know the basics of firework safety. That way, nothing will get in the way of celebrating and you and your guests can remain safe. If you have your own tips about firework safety, please share with us in the comments section below.

Next, start with the smaller multi-shot items. Both rows should be shot off at the same time, one item at a time. The mortars should be shot off at random in conjunction with the multi-shot aerials. Begin shooting the mortar shells slowly about one-third of the way into the multi-shot aerials. Increase the number of mortar shells as the multi-shot aerials reach the end of their row. Use as many shooters and loaders as possible. For the finale, shoot off several multi-shot items at once and as many mortar shells as possible. Try very hard to end on a strong note. DO NOT shoot off any missed items because this would weaken the finale and leave the crowd wanting more.

Keep water (or a fire extinguisher) nearby. If something goes wrong, you’ll want a hose or bucket of water close by to extinguish the blaze. For something more portable and robust than a water bucket, consider keeping a fire extinguisher near your fireworks area. How much water will you need? Firefighters use a formula to determine water ratios for putting out fires:3 [(length x width of object on fire) ÷ 3] x percent of involvement = gallons per minute to put out a fire. For example, if you have a 10’ x 15’ tool shed that ignites and 50% of it is on fire, you’ll need 25 gallons of water per minute (GPM) to put it out (garden hoses usually output up to 17 GPM).4 That might be shocking, but it demonstrates what you need to do to prepare for the worst and how quickly you should react to any fire.

Fun for beginners and expert pyros alike — and a beloved tradition — Roman candles ignite the sky with balls of fire, sparkling stars, and iridescent trails. Browse by color and effect, or by diameter, with roman candles ranging from a quarter-inch up to an XL 1-inch or more. All fireworks are dynamic and exhilarating, but aerial spinner fireworks are easily fan favorites for their exciting spins and twirls as they shoot off into the sky. Also called sky spinners — to differentiate them from spinners that stay grounded — aerial spinners whir, snap and sometimes explode at their peak. With various themes, from bees and bats to planes and satellites, aerial spinner fireworks capture the imagination as they lift off in a spray of sparkles and light. Discover additional information at