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Big Data Profile master programs by Canadian Institute of Technology (CIT)

5 min read

Quality Multimedia-Design Profile bachelor & master programs right now: CIT’s premises consist of an auditorium, various lecturing halls/classrooms; 6 labs (4 computer labs; 1 Physics and 1 Chemistry lab); study rooms; offices for both academic and administrative staff; a parking area and a cafeteria. Classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art professional electronic equipment such as laboratory computers, overhead projectors, etc. Our library can fulfill a capacity of 30 students, contains 6 computers and over 5000 English titles. The CIT library offers a network of publications from McGraw-Hill as well as subscriptions to various periodicals and scientific journals related to the study programs offered at our institution. Discover more details on Finance & Accounting bachelor & master programs.

Bachelor and Master Study Programs: Complete your degree quicker! CIT offers both Bachelor and Master Degree Programs taught based on the Bologna System (3+2) years. A Flexible Learning Path: Work and study at the same time! CIT offers a flexible learning path for master students by taking into consideration the changing needs of students and the recent developments in the market as well. International and Internationally Educated Academic Staff: Learn from highly qualified foreign and international educational faculty in a small university atmosphere! CIT allows students a more interpersonal approach and in-depth research-oriented teaching approach to education, where professors and students act as a team in the pursuit of continuous and advanced knowledge.

Adriola Faqolli has 12-years teaching experience as lecturer in different universities. She graduated as a Computer Engineer in Istanbul University, Turkey. She has received a Master of Science in Software Systems Engineering from a double degree program in two universities, RWTH University in Germany and University of Trento, Italy. In 2016 she received the PhD diploma from PhD program “Managing Information Systems” in University of Tirana, Albania. Her research interests span in the field of Database Design, Machine learning, Data Mining, Data Science etc. Adriola also has a strong background in Software Systems Engineering field in the industrial sector. She has managed technical departments and important projects related to digital transformation in the companies where she has worked. She is very helpful to the students by illustrating the knowledge that she delivers with practical use cases from the industry.

Habib Hamam obtained the B.Eng. and M.Sc. degrees in information processing from the Technical University of Munich, Germany 1988 and 1992, and PhD degree in Physics and applications in telecommunications from Université de Rennes I conjointly with France Telecom Graduate School, France 1995. He has a postdoctoral diploma, from Université de Rennes I in 2004. He is an OSA senior member, IEEE senior member, and a registered professional engineer in New Brunswick. He is, among others, editor in chief in CIT-Review Journal and associate editor of the IEEE Canadian Review. His research interests are in optical telecommunications, Wireless Communications, diffraction, fiber components, RFID, information processing, data protection, COVID-19, and Deep learning.

Endrit Shabani is a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Politics from University of Oxford. He also holds a Master of Science in Education Policy from University of Oxford. He has experience as a lecturer and guest lecturer in Albanian universities and abroad. Endrit started his experience at CIT in 2021 and he delivers subjects such as Research Methods, Academic Writing and Reading. His research interest are in International Relations, Research Methods, Philosophy and Politics of Education. Endrit was also part of Open Society Foundation in Albania by leading several research projects and contributing to evidence-based policies in education, gender balance, law enforcement and civic engagement.

Prof. Dr. İsmail KOCAYUSUFOĞLU started his career at Anadolu University – Eskişehir – Turkey, Department of Mathematics, in 1986. He graduated as a valedictorian student. Then he got an MSc degree in 1988 at the same University. Due to his success in his Master’s degree, he was granted a scholarship for a Ph.D. degree in the USA. Prof. Dr. İsmail KOCAYUSUFOĞLU attended ALA (American Language Academy, Pueblo-Colorado in 1989. He started his Ph.D. at Michigan State University, East Lansing (1990-1991). He then transferred to Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA. He received his Ph.D. in at Lehigh University-USA in Mathematics (Geometry) in 1993. Prof Kocayusufoglu was awarded as Prof. Dr title at Eskişehir Osmangazi University – Turkey in 2006; at the International University of Sarajevo – BiH in 2012; at the International Balkan University – North Macedonia in 2013. Discover more info on

Shefqet Meda graduated as an electronic engineer who has gained extensive experience and expertise in the IT and telecommunications industry. He served as the Technical Director at the Electronic Communications Authority in Albania for 10 years and was also the Director of IT Systems at Albanian Power Corporation. Meda has worked as a Database Administrator at SIIA and served as the Scientific Technical Director for NIS. He holds several certifications from various reputable organizations such as Harvard University, UN/International Telecommunication Union, and Microsoft Academy, among others. Meda has contributed to various peer-reviewed journals, co-authored publications, and supervised numerous diploma theses in the field of security, artificial intelligence, IoT, networks, and telecom. He is a member of the Noncommercial Stakeholder Group of ICANN and also serves as a board member of the Albanian Institute of Broadcast Engineers.

Enriko Ceko holds a Post Doctorate Diploma (2022-La Laguna University. Tenerife. Spain), Ph.D. diploma in Management (2005 – Faculty of Economy, Tirana University, Albania), graduated bachelor and master the Agronomy (1989–Agriculture University, Tirana), Economy (1996-Agriculture University, Tirana), Law (2002–Tirana University), MBA (2000-Tirana University & Nebraska Lincoln University), with about 33 years of working experience and about the same experience lecturing, specialized on about 45 training courses (Albania, USA, UK, Israel, Germany, Austria), Senator of World Business Angels and Investments Forum, Lecturer at WBAF Business School, and at LMC-London Metropolitan College, N.R.Macedonia, author of around 40 scientific articles, participating in more than 80 international scientific conferences, author of “Total Quality Management”, “Quality Management Tools”, “Planning, Organizing & Controlling Quality Tools”, “Managing Agribusiness Firms”, “Tourism and Hospitality Management”, “Academic writing”, “Business and Administrative communication”, “Small theatre, big theatre”, “Where Albanian economy is going”, “100 years of economic, trade and business relations between UK and Albania”, “100 years of diplomatic relations between UK and Albania” books, his work focuses on lecturing (mainly economics & managerial disciplines), public & private organizations consultancy, ISO Standards included, heading several NGO’s, as well as participating in civic society activities, etc.