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Premium laser hair removal specialists Hong Kong right now

2 min read

Top rated laser hair removal products Hong Kong 2022? You Don’t Need to Grow Hair Between Treatments: Unlike with waxing, you can shave in between your treatments. You no longer have to wait to grow your hair out because with laser hair removal you can shave as much as you want in between sessions. You can have laser hair removal treatment done over your lunch break, because there is no recovery time. The lasers do not remove skin, so there are very low risks. Is it painful? Laser hair removal is no more painful than waxing. If you have sensitive skin, there are numbing creams that can be used to make the experience more comfortable. Read additional info at

It Saves You From Having to Endure Regrowth: Some methods, such as waxing and plucking, require that you endure a bit of regrowth in between sessions. With laser hair removal, you can enjoy smooth, hair-free skin at all times. It’s a Long-Term Solution: Most people see permanent, lasting results with laser hair removal. In some cases, you may need a touch-up a few months or years down the line, but it remains one of the best long-term solutions available.

These beams are directed into the hair follicles which are made up of tiny sacs in your skin were your hairs grow, the pigment within the follicle absorbs the lasers light. This light energy then converts into heat which damages or destroys the hair follicle. After a laser hair removal treatment, the hair will not grow back for a long time, and in some cases, it will never grow back due to the damage caused to each hair follicle. These laser beams work by targeting the melanin (color) of the hairs. Treatment is often best suited for people with a light complexion and dark hair but quality results can still be achieved for other individuals if the practitioner is using the latest laser hair removal technology such as our 3D Trilogy Ice laser device.

For our Chinese language visitors :

激光脱毛是永久性脱毛的最佳方法。准备好学习为什么了吗?以下是激光脱毛治疗的一些好处: 快速 如果这是您正在寻找的快速解决方案,激光脱毛是去除多余毛发的最快方法。您将不得不进行多次治疗,但大多数治疗只需要几分钟。治疗区域越小,您在激光下花费的时间就越少。

激光脱毛的好处: 科学证明,激光脱毛具有许多好处,尤其是当您将此技术与其他脱毛方法进行比较时。下面列出了您可以通过激光脱毛获得的一些最重要的好处:同一区域)激光脱毛实际上是一个非常快速的过程,有些疗程只需 20 分钟。所需时间很大程度上取决于目标区域的大小。例如,与去除上唇或眉毛上的毛发相比,去除背部等区域的毛发显然需要更长的时间。


剃毛是否會越剃越粗?一般情況下,剃毛後再長出來的毛髮,會比剃毛前的毛髮看起來較粗。其實剃毛後的毛髮粗幼比原本的毛髮是差不多的,只因前端幼細的部位被剃去,毛髮較粗的部分便會留在皮膚表層,導致毛髮在視覺上產生誤差!情況就像一棵樹,如果把上面較幼細的樹枝部位砍掉,下方的樹枝及樹幹跟砍掉的樹枝相比,便會顯得較粗;此外,剛剛剃過的毛髮,其外觀會有明顯的黑色點狀毛根,看上去便會較剃去的毛髮明顯。剃毛雖然不會使單一的毛髮變粗,但可能會刺激處於休止期的毛髮提前生長,使原本稀疏的毛髮在一段時間後,長得更多更濃密,從而導致反效果。 在此网站上查看 更多信息 永久脫毛.


比堅尼脫毛是比較特別的激光脫毛療程,女生可以根據自身的需要而決定將比堅尼位置的毛髮修剪成甚麼形狀。比堅尼脫毛可以分成全比堅尼脫毛 (Full Bikini)或者部分比堅尼脫毛,例如 V Line、I Line、O位脫毛等等,比堅尼脫毛的好處不少,亦會令私處部位更加衛生。隨著近年不同激光脫毛療程推出,女生對比堅尼脫毛的態度也不再抗拒,甚至很多都會全身脫毛,務求身上「一條毛」也沒有。比堅尼脫毛亦越來越流行,很多女生都希望早日做比堅尼脫毛,避免夏天或者穿泳衣時造成尷尬。